Managing Devices

32 minute read Last updated on March 08, 2024

MarketPlace enables you to remotely manage MarketPlace apps and licenses on MarketPlace devices. The Devices page provides options to organize your devices and control remote access to them. The page lists all MarketPlace devices for which you are an administrator or a pending administrator, organized by device groups. To access this page, click on the Devices link on the MarketPlace menu bar. The following illustration shows the Devices page:

About Device Admin Passwords

The MarketPlace site can locate any MarketPlace device on which the MarketPlace Client is installed. Such devices are “linked” to MarketPlace. Linked devices can appear on your Devices page.

However, for MarketPlace to remotely manage a device, it must know the device’s admin password. This process is known as “password synchronizing”. Only linked devices can be password-synchronized. The synchronizing process occurs whenever you add a device to your MarketPlace account, which occurs whenever you:

All of these processes require you to provide the device admin password. Once password synchronized, the device is added to your account and you are granted admin rights to the device.

Note: If the password is changed at the device, or otherwise becomes un-synchronized with MarketPlace, you must re-verify the device admin password with MarketPlace to restore your admin rights and your remote device management capabilities.

Using the Devices Page

The Devices page contains all the tools you need to maintain your fleet of devices. You can add devices to your MarketPlace account, create device groups, organize your devices into those groups, view and modify information on your devices, and more.

The following list contains links providing access to descriptions of some of the functions available on the Devices page:

Page Elements

The following illustration shows the page elements that appear on the Devices page:

The following table provides descriptions of the page elements:

Icon Name Description
Refresh button Refresh button Refreshes the current page.
Download CSV template Downloads a template file you can use to import devices into MarketPlace.
“Not Grouped” table A device group table containing devices not currently assigned to a device group.
Device Group table A user-defined device group table.
Selection boxes (checked) Selection boxes Check a box to select device groups or devices in a group on which you can perform group or device actions, respectively.
Help button Help button Accesses the MarketPlace Online Help (the Help file you are reading now).
Search icon Filter field Filters the lists of devices that appear in your device group tables to a specified string. Only devices whose name contains the string you specify remain in the tables.
Ellipsis button Ellipsis button The Ellipsis button (Table) applies actions to devices in a device group table. The Ellipsis button (Device) applies actions to a device within a group.

Adding Devices

Your Devices page displays only devices for which you have admin rights, or for which your admin rights are pending. You can obtain admin rights to devices manually, one-at-a-time, or you can use the Import Devices process to import one or many devices to your account.


  • Devices can have multiple administrators.

  • Pending devices are indicated in the device group table by a shaded row and Key and Gear icons in the selection box.

  • You can add and install apps and licenses on a device for which your admin rights are pending. Once you gain admin rights to the device, the apps become available for use on the device.

Using the Import Devices Process

The Devices page provides the option to import one or more devices into the MarketPlace. A CSV (comma-separated value) template file is provided for this purpose. You enter your device data into the template file, then import the file into MarketPlace. As part of the import process, you can create new device groups and assign devices to the new groups or to existing device groups. You can do the same for “location”.

The following illustration shows the CSV template file. Row 1 contains the column headers, indicating the data points you can enter for each device:

To download the CSV template file to your local drive, access the Devices page and click on the Download the CSV template here link near the top of the page.

Editing the CSV Template File

Once you download the CSV template file to your local drive, you can add device information for the devices you want to import. The following illustration shows the CSV template file with device information for three devices:

Open the CSV file on your local drive. The list below includes the column headers, as well as information on how to enter device data into each column:

  • Product Line - For example, “bizhub”. This is a required field.

  • Model Name - For example, “C300i”. This is a required field.

  • Serial Number - For example, “AA2K011010707”. This is a required field.

  • Password - This is a required field. The password must meet the Import Devices process’s password requirements.

  • Friendly Name - The “friendly” name, for example, “HR C300i”. This is an optional field.

  • Location - For example, “HR Executive”. This is an optional field.

  • Group UID - The device group UID, for example, “P001”. This is an optional field.

Step 1

For each device you want to import, enter the required fields as well as any optional fields you want to include.

Important! Do not edit any cells in Row 1. The column headers in your CSV file must exactly match the column headers in the CSV template file.

Step 2

When done, save the file.

Important! Be sure to save the file in .csv (“comma delimited” or “comma separated value”) format.

About Group UIDs

The Group UID (unique identifier) identifies a device group within MarketPlace. While the same “friendly” name can be applied to multiple device groups, the Group UID must be unique for each device group.

Note: You cannot edit a group UID in either MarketPlace or in the Import Devices window. So, when creating device groups using the Import Devices process, be sure you enter the proper UID in the CSV file before importing the CSV file.

Group UIDs must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 1 character in length, and less than 31 characters in length.

  • Start with an alpha or numeric character (that is, group UIDs cannot start with a special or extended character).

  • Contain only alphanumeric characters, and/or any of the following special characters:

    • dash ( - )

    • underscore ( _ )

    • dot ( . )

Password Requirements

The Import Devices process imposes the following password requirements for all devices you attempt to import into MarketPlace.

  • The device’s default password is prohibited. That is, the process requires you modify the default password for each device you import into MarketPlace.

  • The password must be between 8 and 64 characters in length.

Import Devices Procedure

To import devices into the MarketPlace, do the following:

  1. Prepare your CSV file for import.

  2. Click on the Import Devices button. Browse to the file you want to import, and double-click on the file name.

    Note: If you attempt to import a file containing an invalid group UID, an error message appears and the import process aborts. To import the CSV file, you must edit the file to contain only valid group UIDs, or remove any invalid UIDs from the file.

  3. The Import Devices window appears, displaying the device information from the CSV file. The following illustration shows the results of importing a CSV file containing data for two new groups and six devices.

  1. If any devices are eligible for import, the Import Devices button activates. To import the eligible devices, click on this button. The devices import and you return to the Devices page where the imported devices now appear. A message appears briefly in the upper-right of the Devices page indicating how many of the total devices were imported.

  2. If any devices were not imported, the Import Devices Retrying window appears, listing the devices that did not import and reason why (for example, “Password must be 8-64 characters long”). Once you provide a verifiable response, the Import Devices button activates and you can import the device. Otherwise, you can click on the Cancel and attempt to re-import the device later.

  3. To abandon the import, click on the Cancel button in the Import Devices window.

Note: You can edit much of the information in the Import Devices window. For more information, see the Editing the Import Devices table section below.

Using the Import Devices Window

When the Import Devices window appears, the Import Devices table displays all data available to import. Use this table to review the data you are about to import and make any necessary changes. See the following illustration:

Creating New Groups Via the Import Devices Process

In the above illustration, a New Groups table appears, listing the new groups ready to import. For each group, the group UID and a temporary “friendly” name (the same as the group UID) appear. In this example, the New Groups section appears because the “Group UID” column in the CSV import file contains one or more device group UIDs not yet existing in MarketPlace. See the following illustration:

In the Import Devices table, you cannot edit the group UID but you can edit the group name (via the Name field) and/or change to another group (via the Group column). If the Group column contains a group UID that already exists in MarketPlace, the import process assigns the device to that group, provided you are a member of that group. If you are not a member of the group, an error message appears in the Group column and the device is not imported. If the Group column contains no group UID for a device, the import assigns the device to the “Not Grouped” group.

Note: Non-members of a group cannot change the group assignment of devices in that group, whether in MarketPlace or via the Import Devices process. When importing, non-members can assign groups only to devices that are currently not grouped, and only to groups they create during the import or of which they are an owner or a member.

Once you click on the Import Devices button, MarketPlace does the following:

  • Creates the new device groups.

  • Assigns all imported devices to the Not Grouped device table, where they remain, pending admin password verification.

  • Begins the admin password verification process for each device.

Once a device is verified, MarketPlace removes the device from the Not Grouped table and adds it to the assigned group’s device table. Devices not assigned to a group in the CSV import file remain in the Not Grouped table.

Note: If MarketPlace cannot verify a device, it can remain in a pending state up to 30 days, after which it is removed from the Devices page.

Editing the Import Devices Table

The Import Devices table contains the same columns as your CSV import file, except Product Line, which is combined with Model Name to form the Model column. You can edit much of the data before importing. See the list below:

  • Model - For example, “bizhub C300i”. This column shows the product line and model name. If the serial number from the CSV import file is not already registered in MarketPlace, you can edit this field. Click on the drop-down and select a model from the list that appears. If the serial number is already registered, the drop-down is inactive. However, if you edit the Serial Number field to contain a serial number not already registered in MarketPlace, the drop-down activates and you can select another model.

  • Serial Number - For example, “AA2K011010707”. You can edit this field.

    MarketPlace first confirms the incoming serial number matches the actual serial number at the device. Next, MarketPlace searches to see if the serial number already exists for a device in MarketPlace. If the serial number does not exist, MarketPlace creates a new device record. If the serial number does exist, MarketPlace overwrites the existing device record with any new data.

  • Password - The device admin password. You can edit this field. Note that the import process does not update the device’s password, it merely determines if the password meets the import process’s password requirements. Once approved and imported, MarketPlace compares the password with the device’s actual admin password. If they match, you are granted admin rights to the device. If they do not match, the device remains in a pending state until you provide the proper password.

    The Password column can contain any of the following:

    • Asterisks (*) - The password meets the import process’s password requirements, and the device can be imported (provided no other issues exist for the device’s other data points to prevent the import).

    • Password must be 8-64 characters long - The password does not meet the import process’s password length requirements. The device will not be imported until you edit this field to meet the requirements.

    • Default password cannot be used - The device’s default admin password was specified so the device will not be imported. You must change the device’s default password at the MFP and then import the device again. Note that you can specify a “temporary” password here to continue with the import process. However, once imported, the device will remain in a pending state until you modify the device’s admin password at the MFP and then specify the new password in MarketPlace - either by clicking on the Lock icon on the Devices page or importing the device again.

  • Friendly Name - The “friendly” name, for example, “HR C300i”. You can edit this field.

  • Location - The device location, if any. You can edit this field. If the CSV import file contains locations not yet in the MarketPlace, the import process creates the new locations and assigns the locations to the associated devices.

  • Group - The device group UID and name, if any. You can edit this field. If a device group UID was specified in the CSV import file, it appears here along with the group name in parenthesis. For newly created groups, the group name matches the group UID. You can modify the group name using the New Groups table or in MarketPlace once imported. You cannot edit the Group UID either here or in MarketPlace.

    To change to another device group, click on the drop-down menu and select a group from the menu that appears. If you select “None”, the device is assigned to the “Not Grouped” group.

Using Device Groups

Use device groups to organize and maintain your devices. You can create as many groups as you like, and groups can contain an unlimited number of devices. Device groups allow you to perform bulk actions on devices, such as:

  • Update to the latest version for all apps installed on devices in the group.

  • Invite multiple users to join a device group, providing access to all the devices in the group to each user who accepts the invitation.

Note: Devices can belong to only one group at a time. All devices not assigned to a device group appear in the Not Grouped device table. See the following illustration:

Device Group Members and Permissions

A user’s member status for a device group displays above the device group table. Member status determines a user’s permissions within the table. Device groups can have the following types of members:

  • Owner - The creator of the device group. In addition to all the permissions available to members, owners of a group can:

    • Invite users to the group.

    • Delete the group.

    • Rename the group.

  • Member - A user who was invited by the owner to join the device group and accepted the invitation. Members of a group:

    • Have admin rights to all devices in the group.

    • Can add admins to the group.

    • Can add devices to the group.

    • Can reassign a device in the group to another group.

  • Non-Member - A user who has admin rights to a device belonging to the device group, but is not a member of the group. Non-members of a group can:

    • View their devices (that is, devices to which they have admin rights).

    • Remove their admin rights to devices within a user-defined device group.


  • All users can remove their admin rights to devices in the Not Grouped table. However, only non-members can remove their admin rights to devices belonging to a user-defined device group.

  • All admins can update apps installed on devices in the group.

Creating Device Groups

To create a device group, do the following:

  1. Click on the Create New Device Group button. The Create New Device Group window appears.

  2. Enter a “friendly” name for the device group. You can use the same “friendly” name for multiple device groups.

    Note: Any characters you enter into the Name field populate the UID field as well, with the following exceptions:

    • Invalid characters are ignored.

    • Spaces are replaced with a dash (-).

    • Capitalized letters are replaced with lower-case letters.

    See the following illustration:

  1. Enter the group UID (unique identifier). This field auto-populates with content from the Name field (with the above exceptions), but you can override the content and enter a different UID. Character restrictions apply for group UIDs. Once the UID field contains at least one valid character and no invalid characters, the Create button activates.

  2. When done, click on the Create button. You return to the Devices page, where the new device group’s table now appears.


Using Device Group Tables

The Devices page consists of one or more device group tables. Each table lists the devices in a particular device group, and provides information about the group and each device in the group. Selection boxes appear on the left of each table. Options to add administrators or assign device groups appear below each device table. Ellipsis buttons providing additional options appear on the right.

Devices not currently assigned to a group appear in the “Not Grouped” table. If no other device group tables appear, none have been created for the logged-on user.

Managing Device Group Information

Device group tables provide the following information and action items:

  • Friendly Name - The device group “friendly” name displays above the table. For group owners only, a Pencil icon appears next to the name. If you click on the icon, you can edit the name. Note that the Pencil icon is not available for the Not Grouped table.

    In addition, the following options and information appear above each user-defined device table:

  • UID - The group UID (unique identifier) identifies the device group within MarketPlace. While a “friendly” name can be applied to multiple device groups, the Group UID must be unique for each device group. Once established, you cannot edit the group UID.

  • Member Status - The member status of the logged-in user. A user can be one of the following member types:

    • Owner
    • Member
    • Non-Member

  • Ellipsis button (Table) - Click on this button to access additional information and action items for a device group, including the following:

    • View Members - Accesses the Group Members window, which displays the email address and first and last name of each member in the group.

    • Invite Users - Accesses the Invite Users window, where you can send email invites to users you want to join the group.

    • Delete - Deletes the device group from your account. Any devices in the group move to the Not Grouped table. This option is available only for the device group’s owner.

    • Leave - Removes the user from the device group. This option is not available for the device group’s owner.


  • For groups of which you are a non-member, the Ellipsis button (Table) does not appear.

  • For the Not Grouped table, only the name appears above the table.

Managing Device Information

For each device in a device group table, the following options and information appear:

Managing Device Details

To view detailed information for a device, click on the Ellipsis button (Device), then click on Details from the menu that appears. The Device Details window appears, displaying the following information:

  • Name - The device name. If you are an active admin of the device, the Edit button appears and you can click on it to edit the device name. Click on the Save button when done.

  • Location - The location of the device. This is an optional field you can use to identify the device among others in your fleet. If you are an active admin of the device, the Edit button appears and you can click on it to edit the device location. Click on the Save button when done.

  • Serial - The serial number of the device.

  • MAC - The MAC (media access control) address of the device. Appears only for active devices.

  • MP Version - The MarketPlace version installed on the device. Appears only for active devices.

  • IWS Version - The IWS (Internal Web Server) version installed on the device.

  • Status - Indicates the device status:

    • Active - The device is registered to MarketPlace.

    • Inactive - The device is not currently registered to MarketPlace. For example, the following devices are inactive:

      • Newly imported devices.

      • Devices that were previously registered on MarketPlace but from which the MarketPlace Client was removed.

    The following illustration shows the Device Details window for an active device. The Edit button is active. When you click on the Edit button, the field becomes active and the Save button appears.

Viewing Device Operations

To view a chronological list of operations that have been performed on one of your devices via the MarketPlace site, and the status of each operation, access the Operations page. See the following illustration for an example:

Note: Device operations performed at the device do not appear in this list.

To access the Operations page, do the following:

  1. Click on the Ellipsis button (Device).

  2. Click on View Operations from the menu that appears.

Viewing Device Admins

To view a list of admins for a device, click on the Ellipsis button (Device), then click on View Admins from the menu that appears. The Admins of this Device window appears, displaying the following information:

  • Email - The admin’s email address.

  • First Name - The admin’s first name.

  • Last Name - The admin’s last name.

Note: The View Admins menu option is not available for pending admins of a device. Once your admin rights are confirmed, the option becomes available.

Submitting Feedback

To enter customer feedback, for example feature requests or suggestions for improvements, click on the Ellipsis button (Device) button and click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options. Click on Submit Feedback from the menu that appears. The Customer Feedback window appears, as in the following illustration:

Enter your feedback into the text box. When you click on the Submit button, MarketPlace sends your feedback via email to a MarketPlace admin.

Note: The Submit Feedback menu option is not available for pending admins of a device. Once your admin rights are confirmed, the option becomes available.

Assigning a Device to a Group

To assign a device to a group, do the following:

  1. Click on the Ellipsis button (Device).

  2. Click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options.

  3. Click on Assign to Group from the expanded menu. The Assign to Device Group window appears.

  4. Click on the drop-down menu and select a group from the menu that appears.

  5. Click on the Assign button.

You can also access the Assign to Device Group window via the Assign to Group button. This button appears below each device group table. Once you select one or more devices in a table, the button activates. Click on the button. The Assign to Device Group window appears.

Note: The Assign to Group option is not available to non-members of a group.

Managing Updates

The MarketPlace Client and the apps available on the MarketPlace site are updated regularly. When an update becomes available, you can apply the update to your devices manually, or you can use the Auto Updates feature.

Updating Manually

If you disable the Auto Updates feature for one or more devices or device groups, then to use the latest app versions you must manually update the apps and the MarketPlace client on those devices whenever new versions become available:

Updating Automatically

The Auto Updates feature automatically updates the MarketPlace Client and your purchased MarketPlace apps to the latest version whenever updates become available. When a MarketPlace device communicates with the MarketPlace site, the Auto Updates feature checks for available updates and, if found, applies the updates to the device. The feature is enabled by default on all devices, but you can disable it for one or more devices or device groups.

Note: The App Updates option is not available to non-members of a group.

Modifying the Auto-Update Status on Individual Devices

To modify the Auto Update status on an individual device, do the following:

  1. Click on the Ellipsis button (Device).

  2. Click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options:

  1. Click on App Updates from the expanded menu. The App Updates window appears:
  1. The App Updates window indicates the current status of the Auto Update feature. A checked box indicates the feature is enabled.

  2. If you change the current status of the setting, the Save button activates. Click on this button to save your change.

  3. To preserve the current status of the setting, click on the X button to abandon any change and exit the window.

Modifying the Auto-Update Status on Multiple Devices

To modify the Auto Update status for one or more devices in a device group, use the App Updates button. This button appears below each device group table. Note that if you select multiple devices, you must assign the same status to all selected devices.

Do the following:

  1. Select one or more devices in a device group table. The App Updates button activates.
  2. Click on the App Updates button. The App Updates window appears.
  3. The App Updates window indicates the current status of the Auto Update feature for the selected device(s). Note the following:

    1. A checked box indicates the feature is currently enabled for all selected devices.
    2. A blue box enclosing a white bar indicates an indeterminate (mixed) state for the feature with regard to the selected devices. That is, the feature is enabled for some but not all of the selected devices. See the following illustration:
    3. An empty box indicates the feature is not currently enabled for any of the selected devices.
  4. To modify the feature status, click on the check box. The Save button activates.
  5. When the check box displays your desired status, click on the Save button. To abandon any change and exit the window, click on the X.

Managing i-Options

MarketPlace provides the ability to remotely install, uninstall, and maintain i-Option licenses purchased via the MarketPlace site. i-Options are advanced features you can add to MFPs in your fleet to enhance their capabilities. You install/uninstall the licenses via the Apps & Licenses menu. You maintain installed i-Option licenses via the Devices page.

Note: MarketPlace supports i-Option licenses only on devices on which i-Options were installed via MarketPlace. If the device contains i-Options that were installed at the device, for example in the factory or later by a technician at the device, MarketPlace will not be able to access the existing i-Options, and you cannot configure the licenses via MarketPlace. For information about removing existing i-Options installed at the device, contact a Konica Minolta service representative.

Available i-Options

You purchase i-Option licenses through your Konica Minolta representative, who provides you with a purchase code. You redeem the purchase code on MarketPlace. Once redeemed, you can use the Apps & Licenses page to install the licenses on the devices you want to enhance, and then configure the licenses to suit your needs.

MarketPlace supports the following i-Option packages:

  • LK-105: OCR Text Recognition

    • Provides full OCR text recognition for PDF and Compact PDF documents.

    Note: All LK-105 functionality is included in the LK-110 kit for the same price.

  • LK-106: Barcode Generation, Printing, and Processing

    • Detects PCL barcode sequences in print data that has been sent from ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, and prints these as barcodes on Konica Minolta devices. Users can print their files directly without the need for additional barcode or printer driver software.
  • LK-110: OCR Scanning and Conversion of Scanned Documents into Multiple Formats

    • Using OCR technology, this function automatically creates text information from scanned images.

    • Supports the following file formats:

      • PDF
      • CPDF
      • JPEG
      • TIFF
      • XPS
      • CXPS
      • OOXML

    Note: The LK-110 kit includes all LK-105 functionality, plus additional features, for the same price.

  • LK-116: Virus Scanner

    • Provides real time malware and virus scanning of all incoming/outgoing data. If any risk is detected, the MFP will report that a virus has been detected and block the infected file.

i-Option Settings Button

Each device table on the Devices page has an associated i-Option Settings button. When you select one or more devices in a table, if at least one of the devices has one or more i-Options installed on it, the i-Option Settings button activates. If you select the button while it is active, the i-Option Settings window appears where you can view and modify your preferences for the license(s) on the selected devices. Note that the Ellipsis button (device) also provides access to the i-Option Settings window.

In the following illustration, all devices on the Devices page are selected, but only one of the i-Option Settings buttons is active, indicating that only the bizhub 750i has i-Option licenses currently installed.

i-Options Settings Window

Use the i-Options window to configure the i-Options installed on one or more devices selected from a device group. You access this window by selecting i-Option Settings button below a device group table on the Devices page.

This window provides access to all the settings for all the i-Options supported by MarketPlace. The window shows the settings for the i-Option selected at the Configure Settings for field. The following illustration shows the i-Option Settings window in which the LK-106 license is selected.

Note: The settings you can access in the i-Option Settings window are restricted to the:

  • i-Options installed on the selected devices, and the

  • Settings supported by the selected devices for each i-Option.

That is, if an i-Option is not installed on at least one of the devices, and/or a device does not support a setting, those settings will not be accessible.

Note: If one or more selected devices do not support an i-Option, or have it licensed, the i-Option Settings window will display a warning message and any changes you make will not apply to those devices. The window will indicate which devices will receive the changes and which will not:

Selecting an i-Option to Configure

The i-Option Settings window displays the current configuration for the i-Option selected at the Configure Settings for dropdown menu. The following illustration shows this menu displaying all i-Options supported by MarketPlace.

Note: For an i-Option to appear for selection on the Configure Settings for dropdown menu, it must be licensed on at least one of the devices you selected for configuration.

LK-105 & LK-110 OCR

MarketPlace supports the same settings for the LK-105 and LK-110 licenses, so only one selection option is needed for both licenses:

For details on i-Option settings, consult the product documentation.

LK-106 Barcode Generation

The following illustration shows the i-Option Settings window on which the LK-106 license is selected.

For details on i-Option settings, consult the product documentation.

LK-116: Virus Scanning

The following illustration shows the i-Option Settings window on which the LK-116 license is selected.

For details on i-Option settings, consult the product documentation.

Removing Devices

For devices on your Devices page (that is, devices for which you have admin rights), you have the following options for device removal:

Removing a Device from a Group

To remove a device from a device group and make the device available for another group, do either of the following:

  • Click on the Ellipsis button (Device).

    1. Click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options.

    2. Click on Assign to Group from the expanded menu. The Assign to Device Group window appears.

    3. Click on the drop-down menu and click on None from the menu that appears.

    4. Click on the Assign button.

  • Click on the Assign to Group button that appears below the device’s group table.

    1. Select one or more devices in a table. The Assign to Group button activates.

    2. Click on the Assign to Group button. The Assign to Device Group window appears.

    3. Click on the drop-down menu and click on None from the menu that appears.

    4. Click on the Assign button.

The selected device(s) are removed from the device group table and now appear in the Not Grouped table.

Note: If you remove a device from a device group, you retain admin rights to the device.

Removing a Device from Your Account

To remove a device from your MarketPlace account, you must remove your admin rights to the device. Use the Remove Admin Rights option, available via the Ellipsis button (Device). This process results in the device being removed from both the device group table containing it and from your Devices page. Once removed, you can re-add the device and then regain administrator rights to the device.

Access to the Remove Admin Rights option depends on the user’s member status for a device table:

  • All users (owners, members, and non-members) can remove devices from the Not Grouped device table. That is, the Remove Admin Rights option is active at the Not Grouped table for all users.

  • Only non-members can remove devices from a user-defined device group. That is, the Remove Admin Rights option is active at user-defined device group tables only for non-members of the group. When non-members remove their admin rights from a device in a user-defined group, the device is removed from their Devices page but remains in the group, ensuring the group’s members can still see the device when they access their own Devices page. If a non-member removes a device so that none of their devices remain in the device group, the device group is removed from their Devices page.

    Note: A non-member of a group is a user who has admin rights to a device belonging to a user-defined group, but is not a member of the group. Only devices in the group to which they have admin rights are visible to a non-member.

Since owners and members of a user-defined device group all have admin access to the devices in the group, their access to the Remove Admin Rights option is restricted, ensuring:

  • A group member does not remove another group member’s admin rights.

  • The group contains the same devices for each group member accessing their Devices page.

Steps to Remove Admin Rights from a Device

To remove your admin rights to a device, and thus remove a device from your Devices page, do the following:

  1. Click on the Ellipsis button (Device) associated with the device you want to remove.

  2. Click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options.

  3. If your group member status allows you to remove devices from the table containing the device, the Remove Admin Rights option activates. Click on Remove Admin Rights from the expanded menu. The Remove Admin Rights window appears. If your group member status restricts you from removing devices from the table, the Remove Admin Rights option is inactive and you cannot remove the device from the table.

  4. Click on the Remove button to remove the device from your account. To abandon the operation, click on the X button.

Adding Admins to Devices

To grant administrator rights to one or more users for one or more devices, use the Add Admins button that appears below each device group table. Do the following:

  1. Click on the selection box next to each device you want to update. The Add Admins button activates.

  2. Click on the Add Admins button. The Add Admins window appears.

  3. In the Add Admins window, enter the email addresses of the users you want to grant administrator rights.

  4. When done, click on the Assign button.

Note: The Add Admins button is not available for pending admins of a device. Once your admin rights are confirmed, the option becomes available.

Verifying a Device Admin Password

Device group tables display the device admin password synchronization status for each of your MarketPlace devices. If icons appear next to a device, they indicate the device’s admin password is not synchronized with MarketPlace, and your admin rights to the device are in a suspended state.

See the following illustration:

Unknown Admin Password

If a key icon appears next to a device in a device group table, it indicates that MarketPlace has attempted and failed to synchronize with that device’s admin password. This can occur if:

  • The device admin password you specify here does not match the admin password stored on the device.

  • The password was changed at the device and is now out of sync with MarketPlace.

  • The device otherwise becomes un-synchronized with MarketPlace.

Until you verify (or re-verify) the admin password, your admin rights to the device remain suspended.

To verify (or re-verify) the admin password, do the following:

  1. Click on the key icon to the left of the device’s name in the device group table. The Re-verify Admin Password appears, as shown in the illustration below:
  1. Enter the admin password. Click on the Eye icon to view the password and verify that it is correct.

  2. Click on Submit.


  • It may take up to an hour for MarketPlace to confirm or reject the admin status.

  • To cancel the verify admin process for a device, use the Remove Admin Rights option.

  • Unverified devices can remain in an unknown state up to 30 days, after which they are removed from the Devices page.

  • You can also verify a device’s admin password at the device by logging in to the App Manager.

Pending Admin Password

If the key icon appears with the gear icon, it indicates the verification of your admin status is in a Pending state. That is, MarketPlace is attempting to verify that the device admin password specified here, at the MarketPlace site, matches the admin password stored on the device.

Note: Unverified devices can remain in a pending state up to 30 days, after which they are removed from the Devices page.

Changing the Admin Password

To change the admin password for a device remotely, via MarketPlace, do the following:

  1. On the Devices page, click on the Ellipsis button (Device) next to the device.

  2. Click on More from the menu that appears. The menu expands to show additional options.

  3. Click on the Change Admin Password option. The Change Admin Password window appears:

  1. Enter the current admin password in the first field.

  2. Enter a new password in the second field.

  3. Click on the Submit button.


  • For the Change Admin Password option to appear, the following must be true:

    • You must be an admin of the device.

    • The device must support the feature. That is, the device’s settings must include the “Administrator Password Change Permission” setting, and the setting must be set to “Allow” for IWS applications.

    • Encryption must be turned on in the device’s settings.

  • The system may require an hour or more to update the admin password.