Changing or Resetting Your Password

1 minute read Last updated on February 28, 2024

MarketPlace provides the following options to modify your MarketPlace password.

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your MarketPlace password, you can reset it. Do the following:

  1. On the Login window, click on the Forgot Your Password? link. The Forgot your Password page appears.

  2. Enter your MarketPlace email address.

  3. Select the Submit button.

MarketPlace sends an email to your MarketPlace login email address. The email contains a link to reset your password. Click that link to create a new password.

Change Password

We recommend you change your MarketPlace password regularly. To change your password, do the following:

  1. Select your profile name on the MarketPlace menu bar. A drop-down list appears.

  2. Select Profile.

  3. In the Account Information area, select the Change Password link.

  4. Enter your new password in the New Password field. To view as you type, select the Eye icon to show your password.

    Note: If your password is too weak, (e.g., “password”), a red warning icon appears and you cannot save that password. The meter underneath the field assesses the strength of your password, changing in length and color to indicate the strength of the password.

  5. When done, select the Save button at the bottom of the window.